Presentation of EMERGENT-Lebanon project at the Lebanese Physicians Podcast

The worldwide limitations of pandemic monitoring systems in preventing and promptly detecting the scale of pandemic outbreaks have been revealed since the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this podcast, our co-PI, Antoine Saab, PhD, Healthcare Quality and Development Manager at the Lebanese Hospital Geitaoui-UMC, presents our project “Strengthening Lebanon’s Pandemic Surveillance System Through AI-Driven Automation of Laboratory Data”, which has received the backing of the Canadian AI4PEP Funding Program.
During this conversation, he highlights the crucial role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, particularly in the domain of pandemic monitoring, along its important potential to enhance the overall quality of care.
Moreover, he will talk about his journey in medical informatics and quality assurance, his academic pursuits, and his decision to return to Lebanon after studying in France, among other interesting topics.

Click here to listen to the podcast.